Que estaria pra vida toda anestesiada? Que na minha forma humana, eu teria a capa de um super herói que é só vestir que tudo muda? Pois é, esqueci de que vivo e convivo com humanos iguais a mim. Que da mesma forma não consigo entrar na pele deles, relativos aos seus sofrimentos e anseios, eles também não conseguem sentir e nem entender o que sinto. A dor de uma mãe na perda de um filho, só é sentida quando se perde um filho. Não dá pra dizer "é eu sei". Não, não sabe. Tio, tia, avô, avó, primos e seja mais lá o que for, não sentem. Sabe porque? Porque a vida continua e ficam as lembranças bem espaçadas e as da mãe ficam eternas. A vida continua, mas o filho está lá, nas lembranças diárias, nas saudades do que não podemos ver e ter mais. Esqueci que sou humana, que ainda sinto muuuuuitas dores. Dores emocionais fortíssimas e horrorosas, porque não tem como conter e explicar. E todos querem ter uma explicação pra tudo em vez de te dar um ombro pra você poder chorar um pouco. Sei que tanta dor é passageiro. Mas enquanto isso, vivo dia-a-dia, um dia sorrio, outro choro, tentando me entregar ao trabalho, seja em casa, seja na feira, mas não to conseguindo mais. To muito mal. E não tenho com quem conversar.
É, a vida passa, e todos só pensam no que vai fazer amanhã. Quando perdemos alguém muuuuito importante, aí a gente percebe quanto tempo foi perdido por "enes" razões. Correria, não presta atenção aqui, nem ali, até aprece que estamos fugindo de algo. Eu fugi. Fugi desse dia fatídico, que chegou de mansinho e que me vi tendo que devolver o meu filho, um tesouro pra Deus.
É isso! To mal e não nego. E tá difícil.
My God! Today like yesterday, like other days, trying to be strong. I thought it could handle even more with time running out so fast. Not so. 're Being much worse than imagined. What I imagined? Although I believe that, trust in God I could totally dominate my emotions?
What was anesthetized for a lifetime? That in my human form, I would have the cover of a superhero who is just wear everything changes? Yeah, I forgot that I live and live with humans like me. The same way that I can not get into their skin, regarding their sufferings and aspirations, they also can not feel or understand what I feel. The pain of a mother who lost a son, is only felt when you lose a child. Can not tell "is that I know." No, do not know. Uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, cousins and there is more it is, not feel. You know why? Because life goes on and the memories are well spaced and the mother are eternal. Life goes on, but the son is there, daily reminders, in our memories of what we can not see and have more. I forgot that I'm human, I still feel pain loooooot. Overwhelming and horrific emotional pain, because it has to stop and explain. And everybody wants to have an explanation for everything rather than give you a shoulder for you to cry a little. I know that much pain is fleeting. But meanwhile, I live day to day, one day I smile, others cry, trying to give myself to work, at home, either at the fair, but not getting to most. To bad. And I have to talk to.
Yeah, life goes on, and everyone just wondering what's going to do tomorrow. When we lose someone waaaay important, then we realize how much time was lost by "yen" reasons. Rush, do not pay attention here, nor there, even appreciate that we are running from something. I ran away. I escaped that fateful day, which came softly and I found myself having to return my son, a treasure to God.
That's it! To bad and do not deny. And it 's difficult.
What was anesthetized for a lifetime? That in my human form, I would have the cover of a superhero who is just wear everything changes? Yeah, I forgot that I live and live with humans like me. The same way that I can not get into their skin, regarding their sufferings and aspirations, they also can not feel or understand what I feel. The pain of a mother who lost a son, is only felt when you lose a child. Can not tell "is that I know." No, do not know. Uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, cousins and there is more it is, not feel. You know why? Because life goes on and the memories are well spaced and the mother are eternal. Life goes on, but the son is there, daily reminders, in our memories of what we can not see and have more. I forgot that I'm human, I still feel pain loooooot. Overwhelming and horrific emotional pain, because it has to stop and explain. And everybody wants to have an explanation for everything rather than give you a shoulder for you to cry a little. I know that much pain is fleeting. But meanwhile, I live day to day, one day I smile, others cry, trying to give myself to work, at home, either at the fair, but not getting to most. To bad. And I have to talk to.
Yeah, life goes on, and everyone just wondering what's going to do tomorrow. When we lose someone waaaay important, then we realize how much time was lost by "yen" reasons. Rush, do not pay attention here, nor there, even appreciate that we are running from something. I ran away. I escaped that fateful day, which came softly and I found myself having to return my son, a treasure to God.
That's it! To bad and do not deny. And it 's difficult.
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